
Providing tools to cultivate personal and professional development.




The most impactful component of our work happens in-person, through small, peer group focused workshops, with girls of varying ages (9-21). We focus on personal and professional development, mental health, and mentorship, taking the approach of empowering the individual to then empower her community. We ask the question, “WHO ARE YOU?”


As the world faces a global pandemic, we’ve pivoted to virtual offerings to continue engaging with the girls we serve. In the past 4 years, we’ve hosted 18+ virtual and in-person workshops, serving over 400 girls across Nigeria.  We’ve partnered with dynamic Black/Nigerian womxn, including a Nigerian therapist, and will focus on offering more concrete tools for dealing with sexual trauma, as reports of abuse in the home, church and local communities are on the rise in Nigeria.


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We create a safe, confidential space for the girls to share their own experiences. We invite them to talk freely about their dreams and aspirations for the future without judgement. This is an open forum to discuss subjects that are generally sensitive and off the table; topics may include as body image, self-worth and acceptance, sexual abuse, managing relationships, and femininity as strength rather than weakness.


Dedicated time with NGT founders for individuals to discuss topics they don’t feel comfortable sharing in a group setting.